moved a while ago. Like. A LONG WHILE AGO.

If you can't get to your shell:
Contact truck on ircnet or efnet, or via mail, or via some channel that truck uses
(facepalm: hell no, hellbird: nope.gif; Discord: Discord bans people. Truck has been banned. Twice. Both times, the common thing was "Revision." That's all I used it for. So. I'm on irc.)


If you're reading this and the motd, perhaps tip your operator.

We seem to now have a functional connection to ircnet thanks to Dr.Doom and one of the Finnish operators. Kiittos.

Dodke: ping Truck. Your account works. You _still_ haven't logged in.

maybe old news? unsure. Until we know the i-line is working 100% for multiple days, this stays here.

No one has said anything about not being able to get to ircnet. So. Should be just fine.

Originally, Finnish ircnet operators think we're in Germany or something. We're in Helsinki.
Buuut... they still wouldn't let us on. Finally Dr. Doom helped us get a connection via
See the MOTD for details.

You can see other possible ircnet servers (generally germany) here: - this (our) ip is

oh noes I didn't bootstrap this or use javascript oh noes the web will b0rk now